General pest control services take anywhere from 20-35 minutes depending on the scope of work and any special issues discovered during service.
Answers to the most commonly asked pest control questions.Any product used is safe for kids and/ or pets as long as they do not contact any products while they are wet. We recommend at least 1 hour for products to dry before contact.
Products are broken down with the weather conditions. The hot Texas sun breaks the products down faster than rain believe it or not. Most products provide protection for around 90 days.
Yes, picking up toys in the yard, dog food and water bowls, and any other sensitive materials from the yard and porch are the only things needed to prepare for services.
Yes, most services are exterior only so unless there is a particular problem inside, exterior is the only thing needed.
Products are mixed with water so rain after service is not a problem. However, we would not treat your property in a time of heavy downpour as that is not a good time for services.
Yes, Winter services are actually the most important services as that’s when pests dig down to breed to be ready to emerge in the Spring. Winter services put down products to help control those pests.
Yes, as long as you follow all instructions such as washing your bedding, you can sleep in the bed after no problem.
We always recommend calling us if you still have issues. Retreats are no additional charge in most cases and most products over the counter can affect our applications.