How To Prepare for Your Free Pest Inspection

Are you getting ready for your free pest inspection in the North Texas Area? Whether you’ve noticed signs of unwelcome critters or you’re being proactive about protecting your property, a pest inspection is vital in maintaining a safe and healthy home. Home preparation is important because it helps the inspector catch any pest problems early and thoroughly examine each part of the home. With Tactical Pest services we offer free pest inspections for any of your pest problems.

Here’s how you can prepare for your free pest inspection:


1. Schedule the inspection

Schedule a time that is most convenient for you and make sure you can be present during the inspection to answer any questions the inspector may have about your concerns or recent sightings. A scheduled inspection allows professionals to detect pest issues early before they escalate and inspectors can provide professional guidance tailored to the specific needs of your property and region.


2. Prepare Questions

Prepare a list of questions or concerns you may have before your inspector comes. Preparing questions ensures you are well-informed about the inspection process and can actively engage with the inspector. This will also help you understand the steps needed to maintain a pest-free environment.

Some questions to ask include:

  • Do I need to cover furniture?
  • How long should I stay out after service?
  • Should I clean before and after pest control?
  • Can you check specific areas where pests are commonly found?
  • Are there good maintenance practices I should consider to prevent future problems?


3. Clean and Declutter

It’s always important to eliminate clutter, take out the trash, recycle cartons and cardboard where pests are more attracted too. A cluttered environment can obscure potential signs of pests and cleaning clears away obstacles. Pests are also attracted to food sources like crumbs, spills, and unsealed food containers. Overall, a clean environment is an essential step before a pest inspector comes to ensure thorough assessment, identify potential pest entry points, and by being a responsible property owner.

Home cleaning includes:

  • Vacuuming, Dusting, and Mopping
  • Cleaning Surfaces
  • Store foods in the appropriate locations
  • Emptying the trash


4. Note Problem Areas

Pests love to take advantage of the tiniest openings in one’s home. Cracks, crevices, holes, and gaps are all the ways pests can get into your home. So look around the interior and exterior of your home and check for any notable pest problems. Write these down and speak to the inspector when he arrives at your scheduled appointment. This includes information like the type of pests, the location, and damage caused by the pests.


5. Clear Access to Problem Areas

Make sure the inspector can easily access key areas where pests are likely to hide or enter without any obstacles. Pests are most likely going to hide in spaces that are more cluttered so some key areas to focus on are basements, attics, crawl spaces, kitchen, and bathrooms. Clear any furniture or clutter that are often neglected or never used corners of the house, this will help the inspector navigate and become more comprehensive when inspecting your home. 

A free pest inspection requires planning, communicating, and being prepared to deal with any possible pest problems. By taking these proactive steps, you can ensure a thorough and effective inspection that helps keep unwanted pests out of your home. The inspector is always here to make the best call for you, so make an appointment with Tactical Pest Services for a free assessment to start your journey toward a pest-free home for you and your family.
